What is your refund policy?
If you purchase or renew a yearly Penzu PRO or PRO+ account at full price, and decide you don’t like the service, you can get a refund within 30 days of purchase. When downgrading, you will see a refund amount displayed if you are eligible for one.
We don’t allow partial refunds, only full refunds. So if you purchase more than a one year subscription, you can only get refunded for the full amount.
We don’t refund purchases made through sales or purchases made using promo codes. We also don’t refund gift purchases if the gift has been redeemed. Monthly subscriptions are also ineligible for refunds.
Refunds are debited back to the original method of purchase and can take up to a week to see on your credit card. Paypal refunds are instant.
To receive a refund, downgrade your account from your Account page using the following steps:
- Click your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen
- Choose "Account"
- Click "Plans and Billing" in the left sidebar
- Click "Change Plan"
- Select the option to downgrade your account.